Heron Cross Primary School currently follow the Admissions Policy determined by Stoke On Trent City Council.
In Year Transfers
In-Year Transfer applications are co-ordinated by the school. Parents/Carers are advised to contact the school office for further information.
Nursery & Reception Admissions
Applications for Nursery or Reception places to start in September should be completed via the Local Authority admissions website. If you are applying for a place after September please speak to the school office who can advise you how to apply.
Heron Cross Primary School are currently offering FREE full time places in Nursery. This will be reviewed annually.
Heron Cross Primary School will follow the oversubscription criteria specified on the Local Authority arrangements.
If you would like further advice, please visit the website for Stoke On Trent City Council’s School Admissions here.
If you would like to appeal the decision of the school, not to offer your child a place, the appeal process and information can be found by clicking here.