Behaviour and Attitudes
At Heron Cross Primary School, we recognise pupil effort, achievement and attitude through certificates given out at our weekly celebration assembly.
Our weekly ‘Star of the Week’ certificates recognise pupils who have demonstrated one of our school values – honesty, empathy, tolerance, determination, consideration, courage, respect, responsibility, resilience and kindness.
Every week, the headteacher chooses pupils that have stood out for going above and beyond.
For daily recognition and praise we use Class Dojo. Pupils can earn Dojos every day. The pupil with the most Dojos receives a certificate during our celebration assembly.

In addition, throughout the week any adult can place any pupil’s name whose behaviour, attitude or progress have been exceptional, into the ‘Standing Out’ box. Names will be drawn at random and these pupils will be invited to attend the ‘Happiest Half-Hour of the Week’ which is hot chocolate, biscuit and a chat with the headteacher.
Each of our classrooms has a ‘Proud Wall’ display. Class teacher’s choose pieces of work from across the curriculum that they feel deserve to be shared and celebrated or they choose individual pupils that they would like to celebrate.